Tough Questions

Using the question of “why should I get out of bed each morning” as example. You really have to ask 2 questions about any question or thought exercise.


Is this an easy question to answer?

Science and fact-based questions, like why is the sky blue, are easy to answer. There’s 1 answer and it’s based on facts. Similarly, binary questions like should we eat out or should we turn the light off are easy because the answer is yes or no.


What is the value of knowing the answer?

A tough question like “is the frustration at work worth it or should I look for a new job” is valuable to know because it determines a course if action. Assuming there is an answer or coming to the conclusion there is no answer to the question “why should I get out of bed” doesn’t add any value to your life or the world.


Will the answer change anything?

If nothing will change no matter the answer to a question or thought exercise, then again why waste time & energy on it.

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